Generatiivinen tekoäly Evolver

Artificial Intelligence

We are adept at applying the latest in artificial intelligence. We make it easy for our clients to use artificial intelligence, and we are building it up in a technologically, administratively, and commercially sustainable way.


When you need to tackle real business challenges, one-size-fits-all productised AI solutions are not the answer. We focus on deep and practical GenAI applications, where business-focused thinking and production issues are key. Our Mylly AI is the answer to testing and productionising novel business solutions. We also offer a robust lifecycle, as all solutions are built on a platform maintained by Evolver. You can also expect a high level of cost savings and data security throughout the lifecycle, since our solutions are based on a shared platform instead of standing alone.

Mylly.AI. The best future business enabler.


We dare to claim that our homegrown Mylly.AI platform is the most efficient GenAI testing and production platform on the market, providing a secure environment for your proprietary company data. Combined with our model of continuous development, Mylly.AI provides all the tools you need to deliver a major boost to development projects. Mylly.AI bridges the chasm that often appears between innovative development and production processes and allows efficient and high-quality solutions to be taken to production through testing. As a shared platform between us and our clients, Mylly.AI allows the fruits of development to be shared and used quickly and cost-effectively. 

A dialogue with us is a worthwhile move.

Evolver’s consultants are accustomed to solving problems and identifying opportunities. We combine the ability to delve into both technical details and strategic content. Would you like to hear more?

Evolver Business Solutions Oy
Business ID 1925630-5
Vilhonkatu 5 A, 00100 Helsinki